1992 APV Anhydro PSD52



PENDING SALE - 2/22/11SERGE - LOOKING FOR A MINIMUM OF $45K NET TO HIM. AEC WOULD WORK ON EVERYTHING ABOVE $45K. (CANADIAN/U.S.) also quote our spare atomizers - #6644 6224 6225$190000.00 approx. new replacement cost f.o.b. - Denmark2/4/11 - NO COMPANY HAS AN EXCLUSIVE ON THIS PIECE.SERGE WANTS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE* 1/24/11 - HE HAD AN OFFER OF $40K WHICH HE MAY WANT TOTAKE AT ANY TIME. ARNOLD WOULD HAVE THE RIGHT TO BUYTHE MACHINE FOR $35K.Dear Mr. Arnold Thank you for sending me your proposal.I apologize for not replying sooner. However we have elected not to proceed with signing awayexclusivity at this time. It seems that the few contacts that I have made in the last 2 weeks havestirred up interest from a few parties. I have just received a much better offer for the equipmentthan the one that I disclosed to you earlier this week. This second offer is conditional to inspectionand the prospective buyer has asked to inspect the equipment ASAP. Here is what I am willing to do. I am willing to let you list the equipment exclusively and if you areable to generate leads within the next 4-6 weeks that lead to a better offer than what I presently have then Iwould be willing to split the difference 50-50 up to a maximum of 10% of the sales price.I would pledge not to contact or have anyone else list this equipment other than Arnold Equipment. Let me know what you think.Serge Brunet PrésidentIngenutra inc.C.P. 1830 Waterloo (Qc) J0E 2N0T: 450-405-9972Dear Mr. Arnold I forgot to mention that according to our log book it has cumulated less than 300 hours of operation.Its total purchase price was about 120 000$ in 1992.It is of sanitary design and construction with 316 SS for all liquid and powder contact parts.Dryer exterior made of 304 SS. Thank you for requesting more information about our pilot spray dryer.It is an APV PSD52 unit entirely made and constructed of Stainless Steel.Last usage was to determine drying parameters for a nutraceutical ingredient.You will find attached some pictures of the equipment.It is stored disassembled onto shipping skids with casters.Fan and baghouse components are on a pallet. The third picture shows you how the spray dryer is laid on its storage/shipping skid.The same type of skid was specifically built for the baghouse unit. Here are some specifications:- 120’’ high x 48’’ diameter- 230 V 3 ph 60Hz- Chromalox 14 kW air heater- Cincinatti Fan Exhaust- Anhydro CE63 centrifugal rotary atomizer unit- CSA approved control panel- Triclamp assembly- SS Baghouse unit- Cyclone- Evaporative capacity : 8.5 kg H2O/h at Tin=300°C and Tout=90°C We have the operating manual and usage logbook.The equipment is in storage in Montreal (Quebec) Canada and it is fully functional. Please let me know if your company would be interested and what type of offer you would be interested to make. Best regards Serge Brunet Eng.PresidentIngenutra inc.Tel.: 450-777-0700 (223)Fax: 450-777-1197Cell.:450-405-9972 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE:Ingenutra inc. is committed to protecting the privacy of its customers and vendors. The contents of this email and any attachments are confidential to the intended recipient. They may not be disclosed to or used by or copied in any way by anyone other than the intended recipient. If this email is received in error please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete the message from your system. Thank you.


ManufacturerAPV Anhydro
Stock Number7198
Machine id7385
Machine description39 IN. APV ANHYDRO SPRAY DRYER - SANITARY 316 S/S
Machine code02B
Equipped with1 - used APV Anhydro model PSD52 Spray Dryer. T-316 sanitary stainless steel contact surfaces. T-304 stainless steel dryer exterior. Unit is approx. 39 in. interior dia. x 120 in. OA height. With Anhydro CE63 centrifugal rotary atomizer unit. CSA approved control panel. Electrically set up for 3/60/230V power. With stainless steel bag house 14 kw Chromolox Air Heater Cincinnati Fan Exhaust Cyclone. Triclamp assembly. Operating manual and usage log book included. Unit was last used to determine drying parameters for a nutraceutical ingredient. It was fully functional at time of removal and is currently disassembled in storage on portable skids with casters. Fan and baghouse components are on a pallet. Onsite inspections are welcome and unit is available for immediate shipment. F.O.B. - LOCATION
Subcategory sort191618.03